

I Play Power Soccer

Member of the Week


Chat Room Rules

Chat Room Rules:

1. Pease do not flood the chat box

2. Be kind to all members and guests in chat box

3. Change your name to your power soccer username please

4. Mild swearing is allowed like 'i suck' or 'wtf' but pls do not insult people.

5.Do not fake to be anyone else (example a dude faked to be powdersnow)

6. You can't have the same display picture as somebody else

If no one obeys these rules you will be punished!!! Thanks


1. Kicked out from the Chat Box
2. Banned for a period of time (1 hour or more)
3. Banned perminitley (Banned forever


Members of --RAPTORS-- in Soccer jersey form

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Super leaving clan...

Well i had an awesome time in RAptors meeting new people and making new friends. I will never forgot my time with every1 here at Raptors. I remember when i first joined Raptors, well it was first called --CBLAS--. This was my first clan and many things happened i never thought would happen, happened because of this clan. I remember hitting 1400 rp then 1500 rp because of this clan. I also remembered hitting lvls at such a high rate in this clan, and i remember the ups and downs I expeienced in this clan. I really thought i had a place in this clan but somethings i have seen in the last few days, it proves to be otherwise. I will remember u guys and i will stay in touch with this clan.

~superfootballfan09, now a clan member of •·İmpęŕīáļ Ҝŗзώ·•™

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Clan War Cup

Well it was very disappointing loss to the Raptors but what was more disappointing was that only 1 member actually came to the cup. Super had to actually ask random people in the gamerooms to change their team name to Raptors just so he could get 4 ppl for the cup. He lost to __zade__ in the second round which meant it was over for the Raptors in the clan war. We really need to start acting like a clan if we wanna make our clan a big name. We really need to show up to events.


fares_1998 comes in second in the NA expert cup

Fares_1998 came in second in the N American Expert cup. He played alot of hard fought game to finish in second with alot of rp gained and a humongous amount of xp gained in the process. Here is a screen shot

New member fares_1998!

We have another new member added into our clan. fares_1998 is a lvl 32 that plays like a lvl 60. He is an amazing power soccer player. I met him in the Expert cup in the semi finals where he beat me 5-4 :( I lost 26 rp... Anyways he is a very good player and when u see him around welcome him to the raptors!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Clan War Cup on June 15!!

On tuesday June 15th we have a clan war. We have the 4 ppl to go to the cup already but i need every1 to come on just incase we're missing sum1 and we need sum1 to come and be their substitute, like lol18 may not be able to make it since the cup would be at 11 o'clock for him at night. SO can you guys please be on by 5 o'clock pm tommorrow EST. If u don't know what time that is look at the clock beside this message and come by five o'clock at that time. Meet in World Gameroom #1 but report to super before going there.


Super wins Official Cup: N American Expert Cup 584 2008

Super had won his 3rd official cup in a week today. Super cruised on to win it pretty easily, the highest lvled opponent he faced was a lvl 31 so as i said it was a pretty easy going cup win. Here are his matches:
Raptors vs. American Power... 10-9
Raptors vs. Rockers... 8-1
Raptors vs. Nigeria Eagles... Random chance..Win home

Heres a screen shot of the win:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Please Read...

I havent been on alot becuase my computer is broken, so i might be back on Wednesday, if not, later..

Keep up the good work! :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

tiger's highlight makes it big

The highlight of the week, tigers beautiful curve in a corner kick, that was a goal, made it big time as it was the #1 highest rated higlight, but it lost some rank and dropped to 5th which it still is good.

GOOD JOB tiger

tigerftball22 lvls reaches lvl 30

He first started off as a lv 27 when he joined the clan 2 days ago and already lvled up 3 lvl to lvl 30! Good job tiger, and keep up the great work!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New member

We have a new face joining our clan and their name is tigerftball22. He is a lvl 27 with 1238 rp. If u see him around welcome him to the clan and introduce yourselves. Have a good time in Raptors tigerftball22!

Super reaches lvl 60

Well as you may know, super had won the North American Expert cup, and in doing so he turned lvl 60. He is now and Elite member and joins the group of lvl 60's in the clan. Hopefully other member will follow in his path and reach lvl 60

GOOD JOB super

Super win North American Expert cup 569

Super won his first expert cup in a very long time, probably in 2 months. He came in 1st overall in the cup,Here are the match results:
Raptors vs. Altor...2-1
Raptors vs. Wife Beaters FC...walkover away
Raptors vs. .goldenseal. ... walkover away
Raptors vs. Nike 101... 3-1
Raptors vs. Burton Rd. ... match error

Well he may have not played alot of matches but he did scare away a goldenseal member, who was lvl 69 and had 1700+ rp and win the matches he needed to win to win the cup
GOOD JOB super

Monday, July 7, 2008

New member, please welcome lol18!

We have a new member! Please welcome: lol18!! He is from Trinidad, and he is a level 53 with 1674 rank points!

We hope you have a great time here! :)

Clan war...

There is a clan war that yop123456 (the owner of .golden seal.) and barcelona_f_c (leader of --The Elements--) and me started. So far there are 8 clans.

1. --Raptors--
2. --The Elements--
3. --Golden Seal--
4. --Legends--
5. --Imperium--
6. --JCKAS--
7. --X-Star Strikers--
8. --Infinite--

So, as you know, that those are all good clans, and hard to beat, but we have proved we can beat them. We've beat Infinite, JCKAS, Legends, Golden Seal, and --The Elements, and X-Star Strikers--.

So we have a good chance of winning!

So, im going to pick 4 people from this clan that would be able to go far in the cup, like make it atleast to the quarter finals.

Its going to be hard, so here are the 4 people...

1. 123edc
2. stefanos75
3. superfootballfan09
4. lol18

Music Box edited & 1 song added

I changed the music box a bit, i also added 1 song, go check it out on track #2

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

bojan77 hits 1600!

After a lot of practicing and playing officials i have now reached 1600 i currently have 1605, I am also proud to be the first member of the clan to get 1600 at level 54! I will keep practicing and working to get raptors to be top five clan


Master hits 1300!

We are so hapy to anounce that master now has 1300! we believe thathe can get 1400! congratulations master! keep the good work


123edc goes off for a full month

I have decided to go off for a full month because of many reasons. Lately, i remembered that i had summer assignments, tough summer assingmets that i haven't doen yet. As a high school student, we get summer homeworks/projets/stuff to keep us busy. My school starts August 1st, and i have to work on it, see you guys later in about a month. i'll check with you guys from time to time.
co-leader ~123edc~

Denamo hits lvl 50

Denamo on June 29th hit lvl 50 adding to the list of many lvl 50+ in the clan. Hope fully we can get more to join the lvl 50+ squad. Good JOB denamo