

I Play Power Soccer

Member of the Week


Chat Room Rules

Chat Room Rules:

1. Pease do not flood the chat box

2. Be kind to all members and guests in chat box

3. Change your name to your power soccer username please

4. Mild swearing is allowed like 'i suck' or 'wtf' but pls do not insult people.

5.Do not fake to be anyone else (example a dude faked to be powdersnow)

6. You can't have the same display picture as somebody else

If no one obeys these rules you will be punished!!! Thanks


1. Kicked out from the Chat Box
2. Banned for a period of time (1 hour or more)
3. Banned perminitley (Banned forever


Members of --RAPTORS-- in Soccer jersey form

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Hot Clan War

Today the 30th of june, their was a very interesting clan war. It was very tough for raptors but we raptors showed them what we were made of. There were only two raptors' members (123edc and denamo). There were about twenty-two (22) diffrent clan members who participateed in it. Unfortunately denamo got matched with iwwo (a lvl 99 with 2089rp) he tried his best but lost. Only one raptor was left! 123edc made it to the finals beating a golden seal 9-8 in penalty shoot-out. At the end of the cup, 123edc took 2nd place in that hot cup. Imperium took first place (melo lvl 91 with 2029rp). We encourage members to participate in more clan wars. It's in the gameroom Europe #11. Raptors got second place in the clan war !!

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Click it to see it bigger!
~123edc~ &~hockeycool~

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A video

Hockeycool made this about the clan he was in. It might be a 20 sec video but Enjoy.

123edc wins another NA expert cup!

On Sunday June 29th, 123edc went on to win another Na Expert Cup for the Raptors. His scores are as followed.
Round 1: Dupo Fc vs. Raptors ...Walk over. Away
Round 2:The Elements vs. Raptors...4-6
Round 3: --RAZZA-- vs. Raptors...Walk over. Away, was too scared to face 123edc
Round 4: Infinite vs. Raptors...Walkover. Away, also too scared to face 123

GOOD JOB 123edc!

Srry that I couldnt post the screen shot :'(

Friday, June 27, 2008

New member! Please welcome lilwayne100!!

We have a new member, please welcome lilwayne100!!

He is a level 30 with 1535 rp!!

We hope you have a great time here!


bojan 77 comes 2nd place in North America Expert Cup!

Nice try bojan, almost finals!! Keep up the great work!

And everyone, keep trying to participate in cups and win it fro us! :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another member that has 1600+rp

hockeycool is the 3 clan member to have 1600+rp he has 1602 rp. hockeycool has won 102 rp today. I think thats a new record. Well we don't know but congrats hockeycool.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Clan Battle

Today 123edc and hockeycool team up to face the other clan Infinte. The other players were premierelite & punjabiboy. The 1st round was funny. It was Infinte vs Infinte and --Legends-- vs --Raptors--. So premierelite vs punjabiboy and premierelite won 3-2. Then hockeycool vs 123edc. hockeycool knows that if he gose to the finals he might lose so he let 123edc win cause he has a better change of winning. So in the finals 123edc vs premierelite and 123edc won!!!!!!!!! So --Legends-- and --Raptors-- beat Infinte. This is the Photo of it. Click it to see it better.

Free Image Hosting at

So there might be another clan battle so all of you --Legends-- and --Raptors-- better be ready. Hey might be a chance of --Legends-- vs --Raptors--. So get ready and have a great summer!!!!

Raptors at war with....

Raptors have finally got in a war with golden seals me and bojan accepted the offer they gave us because we thought it will be a good time to show how raptors can beat people.But this is just a friendly match.Good luck to all raptors members.


Monday, June 23, 2008

123edc becomes a level 60!

Congrats 123edc on becoming a level 60!! This is great, we have another AllStar in the clan, i beleive we have 4 allstars!

Great job 123edc!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bosnia100 gone for summer

I went to europe for the summer for a vaction ill be leaving june 25 and come back july 31st i might be able to come on and make a new accont in europe for power soccer but i dont think so.I hope you will do well while im gone.

Best luck!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

sbhaddad gone for thw whole summer

I just want all of you to know that i will be leaving Monday to summer vacation, so that means i wont be on as much, so dont worry about me, but i'll still be on ps and the site.

So please, super (leader) and all the others co-owners, if your not, going anywhere this summer, please take good care of the site and the clan, and i dont want anything deleted, only you can change it up alittle to the site.

Thanks, and have a great summer! :)

Old Co-Owner Ends Break!

Hey guys. This clan has become something since I left for my break. I'm halftwin. My break is over since my baseball season is over. I'm not on members page but I will be. See you guys in the gamerooms

Raptors Co-Owner

Friday, June 20, 2008

hey guys kits me dominiconlindo a.k.a zrider

ummm just to telll im not gonna be on in the afternoon from now on im gonna be on till 6:00 11:30


Thursday, June 19, 2008

sbhaddad hits 1600 rp!!

I finally reached 1600 rp!! im so happy! I am going to take a break right now from officail matches right now and work on leveling up to level 70.

Hope you guys and girls reach 1600 rp soon! :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New member! Mexico888!!

We have a new member! Please give a warm welcome to Mexico888!! He is a level 50 with 1255 rp!!!

We have you have a great stay here and we hope you have fun to! :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

3 Warning signs

heres what to do if some1s bad
for people with ban/kick commmand
1.tell the person to stop
2.if it no work give them a kick
3.if it still does not work give them a 1 hour ban.
NOTE:if the person done with 1 hour ban and still bad keep giving them bans but for more hours.

if your a normal member
1.tell the person to stop what there doing!!!
2.if it no work email one of the owners
The owners ban if its a good reason.
If some1 bans for no reason the person who was banned will be un ban, and the person who banned them will be a normal member or banned.
Please do this to help us to catch bad people

Posted by.bosnia100

mexican_4_lif3 got his account back

Today finally mexican_4_lif3 finally got his account back we're very happy this problem was solved. We hope this won't happen o any other member of this clan


An account hacked!

Mexican_4_lif3 got his account hacked. Mexican_4_lif3 new account is mexicano_por_sangre. If you see mexican_4_lif3 but you see mexicano_por_sangre on at the same time contact me or take a print screen and sen the picture at

Sunday, June 15, 2008

New member! Mexican_4_lif3

We have a new member! Please welcome mexican_4_lif3! He is a level 42 with 1300+ rp!

We hope you have a great time here at • Ŗãpŧǿřş •


Get your own Poll!

Get Your Own Quiz!, More Quizzes

Super reaches 1500rp!

Well after a month and a week after I hit 1400 rp, I finally reached 1500 rp+. i reached 1500 rp by beating arsenal_pepsi, a lvl 58 with 1505rp, 3-2. It was a grueling match. We were neck and neck the whole time. I managed to get ahead of him and then let my defence get me through the rest of the game. Hope fully next month i will get 1600rp+. :P

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hockeycool and --somwhereelse-

hockeycool and ex member of raptors has rejoined us! please re-welcome hockey, we wish him the best. --somwhereelse-- is also our newest member! She will be the lady of the clan, so please give a warm welcome to her and hockey! we wish them the best!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

MB continues to attack....

This is getting bigger and bigger!! mfsoccer came to the website and started to say bad things like we are going to fail and etc...

The Marx Borthers made a mean post about bojan saying that he never stops using these signs: "!" He can use whatever he wants MB!!! We dont care! The MB clan also said that we are a little clan with imature users. BAD MB! This clan is getting better, so if its not a big popular clan.

--BIA-- made a move not long ago with a post at their blog, you can go visit it at this address:

So MB, if you keep doing what you are doing, --BIA-- and --RAPTORS-- will get you back!!

New member from Poland!!

Hello evceryone, we have a new member today his name is 0zbliska he's a level 41 with an rp of 1493! please welcome him!! we wish him the best!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

-BIA- and • Ŗãpŧǿřş • at action



Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mini raptors

Hello me and sbhaddad discuessed about making a own mini raptors site.I will be the main owner of mini raptors and sbhaddad will be main owner of raptors.
im working on site so if we get new members under level 50 ill take care of.


War has begun for --RAPTORS--, --BDKAS-- vs. --Marx Brothers--


Monday, June 9, 2008

New member! please welcome: cchouse!!

We have a new member! His username is cchouse, so please give him a warm welcome to --RAPTORS--! He is a level 61 with 1436 rank points!!

Welcome and we hope you have a great stay here at this clan! :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

New and Updated cool Name!!

hello everybody from --RAPTORS-- i and sbhaddad were thinking to change the name a little. the Name of the clan --RAPTORS-- looks to simple and boring so we have decided to chnge it to ▪ Ŗąpŧǿřś ▪ this name looks more awesome thatn just the simple --RAPTORS-- so what are you waiting for cahnge your team's name ▪ Ŗąpŧǿřś ▪

Here's an example of my team's name: ▪ Ŗąpŧǿřś ▪ ßřązil ®


Hes Backkkk!

Im back guess who it is ............ it ryhmes with peerider lol you still dont know who it is ok well its me ZRIDER!!!!!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

euro 2008 every one in raptors join euro

every one in raptors join euro 2008 become a fan for switzerlan and play for them i have already joined.


Monday, June 2, 2008

New Member from Italy!!

Today I met a guy from Italy he's an excellent player!! he is level 50 and rp of over 1400!! Let's give a warm welcome to estefanos75!! we hope that we'l have more members like estefanos!!
