

I Play Power Soccer

Member of the Week


Chat Room Rules

Chat Room Rules:

1. Pease do not flood the chat box

2. Be kind to all members and guests in chat box

3. Change your name to your power soccer username please

4. Mild swearing is allowed like 'i suck' or 'wtf' but pls do not insult people.

5.Do not fake to be anyone else (example a dude faked to be powdersnow)

6. You can't have the same display picture as somebody else

If no one obeys these rules you will be punished!!! Thanks


1. Kicked out from the Chat Box
2. Banned for a period of time (1 hour or more)
3. Banned perminitley (Banned forever


Members of --RAPTORS-- in Soccer jersey form

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Action Plan!!!

All members or --RAPTORS-- the leaders and I will show our new ideas to take an action plan, about the issues we're having now such as members leaving. Also an action to reclut more people to come and join and to be in the top ten clans!!

The action plan is

1) to deal with the memebrs that are leaving
2) to get more members
3) To be in the top ten clans

So all members and leaders please tell me you're ideas! But before i will ask sbhaddad his opinion about this plan^^


So many members leaving!!

I have notice that so many of our great memebers are leaving the clan becasue they want to join others or want to take a braek. Others over react! Everybody in the clan can't be entering and leaving. Before entering the clan you have keep in mind that you can't be quitting and taking breaks as an excuse to leave!! This is something that bothers me having memebrs that use excuses!! Either you stay or you quit for ever!! We must stay united and not be undecised! If we want to be in the top 10 clans we must work together and learn how to communicate!!!

Guys we can do it if we want to, but if things keep on going we'll be the worst clan ever for not having responsible members!! So pleae be responsible and stay steadily (meaning to saty in the clan if you're member!!)


Friday, May 30, 2008


I have important news! I really want my clan to be in the top 10 clans. So there is a thing going on right now. There is going top be a new top 10 clans. But people have to vote on thier favourite clan. I already voted for this and the clan im in right now. So i would really like if you guys email your favourite clan. This clan: --RAPTORS-- if you want it to be in the top 10 clans! This is the article about it:

Become a Power Soccer featured Clan

There will be 10 clans to stand as “featured” in the new section of the Power Soccer’s dashboard. 10 will be among the lucky few to have the name of their clan in the dashboard. The power to choose the best 10 clans is in your hands.
All you have to do is send a list of 10 clans which you think are the best to . Please indicate the web links of the clans and your username in the email you send us. Users’ emails not corresponding to your Power Soccer account will not be considered. All votes must be sent within the 20th of June, clans most voted will become featured. Stay tuned!

So that was the aricle about it. So please, please, please email your favourite clan: --RAPTORS-- Make sure to include your usrname in the email.




Thursday, May 29, 2008

123edc hits level 50!!

During this week 123edc got to level 50!!!! He played a lot and work hard to get to level 50!! The clan is very happy to have members that are high levels! 123edc is also on the run to hit 1600rp!!! right now 123edc has 1550+rp!! We wish the best for 123edc!!!

Congratulations to 123edc!!!!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

zrider takes a break from raptors for a month

im gonna still be co-owner so dont ask if you can take my spot. and also im gonna be on like 24/7
so it gonna be like im still here


All raptors owner/leader/co-owner

I sent a important email to these people.
this email is very important please do read it


Monday, May 26, 2008

hockeycool hits level 60!

Congrats to hockeycool on reaching level 60! First it was hiting 1500+ Rank points and now level 60! Great job hockeycool!
So --RAPTORS-- have 3 AllStar players now! We hope Superfootballfan09 and halftwin will finish in the level 50's and hit 60!


Sunday, May 25, 2008

hockeycool reaches 1500+!!

Congratulations to hockeycool who has achieved a lot and now has reached 1500 rp!! We are so happy that more and more members of --RAPTORS-- are reaching the highs!!

Congratulations to hockeycool!!


Blog renovation is now finished!

The clan website is now finished! It took me 2 days to finish it. These are the things that are new to the clan website:

1. New logo
2. Bigger chat box
3. New color font
4. New music box
5. New pages
6. New organization. Suck as: Where the music box it, Where the member of the week is, Where the chat box is.
7. New backround

That is all for the renovation, and i hope you all like it as mucj as i like it. Also make sure to vote on the poll i made about the new site, i want to know what you think. Thanks!


Bosnia100 starts playing in the game now

sorry for not playing and being on i had to study for exams cuz im in grade 6 and all now im going to stay on the game and do my first step will be trying to get more ranking pts around about 1200? then focus on the game tactics

~the one and only bosnia100

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Home page is now finished. Clan web pages will be worked on the next day. Hope you like it!


Blog is now under constuction

I have now decided to start the major BIG renovation to the website! So please stay tuned for more changes. It will be finished in 1-3 days.


Friday, May 23, 2008

New member: hockeycool!

We have a new member. His username is: hockeycool
Level: 57
Raank points: 1400+

So please give a warm welcome to hockeycool. We hope you have a great time here at


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Zrider Trades Clans Again He Returns To --RAPTORS--




Too many people leaving

If all ppl are gonna do is just leave should we form a new clan? I think so because shaddad hasn't made new members pages yet or anything else. I'll make a new clan if u guys want. That also means we'll have new names. Vote on the poll

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

ZRIDER leaves --RAPTORS-- for legends

Hi its me ZRIDER i just joined legends im excited but yet sad because im leaving raptors ill still be on once a while. Im just saying bye too this clan.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Power Racing

I'll put a poll on what clan name the power racing clan will have. First 2 ppl that will talk to me about the ownership will recieve a spot as one of the 4 owners. I and bojan777 are already owners. Please join it as soon as the game comes out!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Site renovation

As you all know we are having a BIG renovation to the site. These are the stuff that are going to be changed and added:

1. New backround
2. New logo
3. New music box and maybe more music
4. Bigger chat box
5. New pages
6. New pages (Not telling what they are going to be)

That is all for now, if there is something new i came up with or one of the leaders or co's, i'll let you know. I will start working on the website in a week. So in 2 weeks the site will be better and different!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Clan Cup Tomorrow

As you all should know clan cup is tomorrow. This time we want more clan members too come. You should all know the password.

ZRIDER reaches 1400 rankpoints!!!!!!!!!!!

ZRIDER reaches 1400 rank points we are very glad to have 1 more member that has 1400 or more...

Posted By ZRIDER

Thursday, May 15, 2008


This is from halftwin but I'm thinking of making my own power racing clan. I'll run the site and everything. Email me what you think the clan name should be. Dont say Raptors because I want something racing related. I'm leaning on Mr. 4 Speed because he's my grandfather! He's a famous drag racer. Look up Herb McCandless on google. Well still send me ideas.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

sbhaddad win N.A cup again!!!!!

I won the North America Expert Cup again!! That will be my 8th Expert cup won and 1 rookie cup. So i have won 9 cups in total!!!! In the final i won 3-1. From Gutumala. i dont know how to spell it. His level was 29 with over 1200 rank points.

Monday, May 12, 2008

--HTBK-- or --RAPTORS--?

I would like you guys to know that my friend buccaneer23, the owner and founder of --HTBK-- is not going to play power soccer anymore, he lost interest. So he might give me his clan if he really leaves, so i was thinking we move to --HTBK-- or if they come to us? So we are going to have a poll. About if what should happen. Please vote on what you would like and what would be best for us and --HTBK--

halftwin hits level 50!

Congartualtionss halftwin on becoming a leve; 50! Hope you hit 60 very soon!

sbhaddad wins North America Expert Cup!!!

Again, i won the North America Expert Cup! That will be my 8th North America Cup won so far! In the final i played a level 32 form Mexico. The final score was 4-0 for me. I already pictured myself going to the finals becuase i was the highest level there after round 1. I would alos like all the members and c-leaders and leaders to start joining North America Cups please. Thanks.

Websites to our new pages

These are the pages we have done so far: Requirements, Members, Highlights. halftwin and me are going to work on the rest of the pages that need to be created. These are the addresses to the websites we have up to far, you can go check them our.




Go check them out! There will be more once we get them done.

Super comes in 3rd in N American Expert Cup 398 2008

Super came in 3rd place in N American Expert Cup 398 2008. He defeated .unbeatable. 7-6 in a penalty shoot-out in the first round. In the second round, the semi-finals, he was facing needforspeed8530, a lvl 58 with over 1800 rp but a glitch happened where the server didn't connect and so i lost, coming in 3rd

Saturday, May 10, 2008

BIG renovation to the clan website in the summer!

We are having a BIG clan website renovation this summer. It's going to be the best renovation yet!!! More details will be out in 2 weeks.

Cup tomorrow

We did not have our cup on Saturday, so we are having on in Sunday, so try to come and participate and have fun!

sbhaddad and muhammond123 comes back to clan!!!

Hi all, i made a big mistake about leaving the clan, so muhammond and me are coming back to the clan, so please i am very sorry i did this and i am going to try to make this clan the best!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Important New from sbhaddad

I know i left the clan, but just to let you know that i will stay owner in the chat box because i am the founder and main owner so please keep me owner. And i will still be making posts and renovating the website and adding new songs and making polls and changing the music box, so its still like im still here, but not the same name and not in the same group. So please, its really like im not leaveing. But i did. This is soooooooo hard for me to leave.

sbhaddad, abdelou, laught and muhammond123 leaves the clan

Hi all, i am sad to say that i am going to leave --RAPTORS--. My own clan. Lets say goodbye to laught, abdelou and muhammond123 and me. I will stay in touch and be on as much as i used to be when i used to be in the clan. Muhammond123 and me are staying together, so like we are planning on joining a clan together. in the same one. So if you guys need me, just ask. And i will again be on everyday to talk with you guys! You guys are the best and the best friends i made in power soccer, so i am going to stay in touch everyday!!!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

sbhaddad wins first place in N.A Cup!!!!!!!

I won the North America Expert Cup! In the finals i played a level 42 with over 1350 rank points. It was eay at first. I was winning 2-0 or 3-0. And the second half was alittle tuffer. He scored 2 goals. So i won 3-2 final!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New pages for our clan website!

Halftwin (C0-leader) and me are makeing NEW pages for our clan. We are still working on them. We got the members page done, we got the clan requirements done, we got the highlights page done, and later on i am going to work and acheivements. So the pages will be done soon. Thanks, and i hope you would like them!

New pages for our clan website!

sbhaddad falls in finals!

I got second place in the North America Expert Cup. I lost to a level 32 with over 1600 rank points. I lost 4-1. I asked him. Do you have another account? He said yes. It was a level 42! This is what i hate about people, they make another account when they already have an account over 40! That's what drives me crazy, so i could of won that cup, but he played good, and 2nd is still great!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

sbhaddad win 3rd place in Cup

sbhaddad won 3rd place in the North America Expert Cup. In the Semi-finals, i played a level 86, with over 200 rank points. I lost 6-3. But im still happy with 3rd.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Music box

As you all know some songs are not in the music box or its not there.Its because im upgrading the music box to something else.This will take about a day or two but thxs for waiting you will like the new music box.



Well thanks to I've put a game on the bottom. Sorry leaders I didn't tell you this but Deal Or No Deal is now on the raptors website! Have fun


sbhaddad wins N.A cup again!!

Today i won the North America Expert Cup! From round 1 to round 5! IN the final i was playing a level 82!! With over 1700 rank points! But there was alot of lagg so he wanted to abort, so we did. Than i saw the note: The winning team is: --RAPTORS--
I was so happy! So another victory for --RAPTORS--!

Card links

I need your card links. shaddad has let me create all other sites for --RAPTORS-- other than the home page. To make the members page please send me your card link. is my email.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Super reaches 1400RP!! (finally..)

After for playing for over a year i have finally reached over 1400rp. Before joing the clan the highest rp i ever got was 1362rp but ever since i had joined the clan i have been playing so well and i know it isn't a coincidence. Out of the last 40 matches i've played, 29 of them has been wins, 7 of then losses and 4 of them had been draws. "It felt so good to reach over the 1400 mark and i hope i never go under it"


bojan77 wins clan cup!

Great job bojan on winning the cup! These are the results from Saturdays clan cup:

Hairman vs bojan77- results- WO bojan moves on.
sbhaddad vs masternitchyteam- results- 3-0 sbhaddad
Finals; bojan vs sbhaddad- results- 2-0 bojan.

Now i am alittle embarressed that i lost to a level 38, but some people just have those days when they can't play that good. So bojan played very good. 1 goal in the first half and another goal in the second half. Great job!

Now we only had 4 people particpate which is still bad. We expect at least 6 members. We did start alittle late but stil... superfootballfan, i know you couldn't because you had t go somewhere. But the rest i dont know why. But o-well. Next cup hopefully :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Clan cup tomorrow!

Hey all,as you all should know by now that the clan cup is tomorrow. It will be at the same time and the pass is the same if you need to know the pass contact any leader of the clan.The cup will be in north america 8 raptors home base.
Just wanted to remind you guys.

Good luck!


halftwin wins N.A for RAPTORS!

As halftwin won his first North America Expert Cup! Great job halftwin! And hope all of us can win more!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Co-Owner

Hello. I'm halftwin and I'm very glad to be apart of this great new clan. Growing faster then ever. Thanks sbhaddad for letting me do this. My email is is you need any help. Thanks again.

all raptor members! read this!

this is bosnia100 next i see you all tell me your email so i can know incase i need to email you!


sbhaddad gets 2nd place in N.A cup!

I won 2nd place in the North America Expert Cup. I got a WO in the 1st round and another WO in the snd round. 3rd round i won. in the finals i fell 8-3 final. Played against level 85. --The Elements--